International Corporate Counsel College Schedule and Materials
Below is the conference schedule and meeting materials for your reference. If you want to have these materials onsite at the meeting with you, please print prior and bring them with you. If you have any questions, please email Amy O'Maley McGuire.
Wednesday, 14 October, 2015
6.30 - 7.30 p.m. - Émile Bar
Welcome Cocktail Reception
Thursday, 15 October, 2015
12.00 - 1.15 p.m.
Welcome Luncheon - Restaurant Émile
Opening Remarks
Daniela Karollus-Bruner, 2015 International Corporate Counsel College Director, CMS Reich - Rohrwig Hainz Rechtsanwalte GmbH, Vienna, Austria
Introduction to the IADC
Joe O’Neil, IADC President, Lavin, O'Neil, Cedrone & DiSipio, Philadelphia, PA USA
1.15 - 1.30 p.m.
Break - Ragtime & Blues
1.30 - 3.00 p.m.
(Collective) Damages Claims – A Whole New World - Jazz & Swing
The European Directive on antitrust damages actions was issued in November 2014 and Member States have 2 years to implement it in their national laws. The Directive contains rules on who can claim damages, the quantification of damages, new rules on disclosure of evidence and sanctions and penalties for failure to do so, and rules on settlements and how they may affect exposures by limiting the right of the non-settling infringers to seek recourse from the settling infringers. At the same time, the Commission continues its work encouraging the Member States to implement collective redress mechanisms, especially in the areas of consumer protection, environment protection, competition law, financial services, and cyber security. The panel will inform about the Directive and the status of the adoption of new collective redress mechanisms before turning to discuss the impact and the new risks for companies, including the danger of spill-over into other areas.
Christopher Scott D’Angelo, Montgomery, McCracken, Walker & Rhoads, LLP, Philadelphia, PA USA
Euan Burrows, Ashurst LLP, London, United Kingdom
Jasminka Kalajdzic, University of Windsor, Windsor, Canada
Colin Loveday, Clayton Utz, Sydney, Australia
3.00 - 3.15 p.m.
Break - Ragtime & Blues
3.15 - 4.45 p.m.
The Wild West: Litigation Financing – A Threat or a Blessing? - Jazz & Swing
Collective redress regimes will be successful only if the financing is secured. While Europe has not (so far) embarked on contingency fees, third-party financing has been blossoming. This growing business presents new risks with its development of a “litigation industry” and the growth of litigation funded by businesses which are neither regulated nor controlled in many countries, and it certainly is not making in-house counsel sleep better. However, this can also create new opportunities. Hear from these specialists how litigation financing actually works, how your company can make use of litigation financing to its advantage, what you should be aware of if the opponent is financed, and why and how this business should be regulated.
Ianika Tzankova, Bentham Europe Limited, Den Bosch, Netherlands
Volker Abele, Deutsche Bahn, Berlin, Germany
Stuart Clark, Clayton Utz, Sydney, Australia
Jasminka Kalajdzic, University of Windsor, Windsor, Canada
Jessie Moodley, Perpetual Limited, Sydney, Australia
4.45 - 5.00 p.m.
Break - Ragtime & Blues
5.00 - 6.15 p.m.
The Art of Choosing an Arbitrator - Jazz & Swing
Resolving international commercial disputes by arbitration is still the first choice. Subject to a proper arbitration clause, one of its advantages is the possibility to nominate an arbitrator. However, in practice it seems that the same “club members” are nominated again and again. The panel will discuss whether this is a missed opportunity, how the choice of the arbitrator can influence the proceedings and eventually the outcome, and what to consider in selecting an arbitrator.
Torsten Lörcher, CMS Hasche Sigle, Cologne, Germany
Marko Denadić, Strabag SE, Vienna, Austria
Prof. Dr. Martin Karollus, University of Linz, Linz, Austria
Dr. Angela Kölbl, Siemens AG, Erlangen, Germany
Dr. Patricia Shaughnessy, University of Stockholm, Stockholm, Sweden
6.30 p.m.
Cocktail Reception and Dinner - Offsite
This dinner is located off-property at Börsensäle, but is across the street from the hotel.
Friday, 16 October, 2015
8.00 – 9.30 a.m.
It’s a Jungle Out There – Which “Predators” Should You Know?: The Criminalization of Business Behavior - Jazz & Swing
What if your CEO asks you how big the risk is that he will be arrested on the next business trip and face extradition to some foreign state? The expanding criminalization of business behavior and the broadening reach of anti-bribery, money laundering, laws and sanctions, and the creation of new crimes does not help. Rather than running out to hire an entire in-house criminal legal team, get insights and practical input from this session where the panel will discuss which internationally applicable laws (especially from the U.S.) you should be aware of, what can and should be done in preparation, including proper insurance, and what “first aid” assets and protocols should be in place.
Steven F. Rosenhek, Fasken Martineau DuMoulin LLP, Toronto, Canada
Ricardo Cortes-Monroy, Nestle, Vevey, Switzerland
Richard Eveleigh, Chubb Insurance Company of Europe SE, London, United Kingdom
Majda Meric-Iljazovic, Siemens AG, Vienna, Austria
Michael Olmsted, U.S. Mission to the European Union, Brussels, Belgium
9.30 - 9.45 a.m.
Break - Ragtime & Blues
9.45 - 11.15 a.m.
Do You Speak IT and Why Should You? - Jazz & Swing
Is the only time you call your IT when your PC or laptop is not working? Are you sure that your IT will inform you of a detected data breach? Is the IT team an integral part of your compliance systems? Does your IT know what to do in the event of dawn-raids; do you? Do you know the greatest cyber risks for your company? If the answer to these questions is not unequivocally – and accurately – “yes,” you should listen to the experts in this session about what IT can and should do and how you as in-house counsel can make best use of it while ensuring that IT is fully compliant as well.
Joseph D. Cohen, Porter Hedges LLP, Houston, TX USA
Georg Beham, KPMG, Linz, Austria
Jan Mori, AIG, Vienna, Austria
Dr. Alexander Schall, Bawag P.S.K. Bank, Vienna, Austria
Julie Taggart, Accudyne Industries, Dallas, TX USA
11.15 - 11.30 a.m.
Break - Ragtime & Blues
11.30 a.m. - 12.45 p.m.
Does Your Company Value You and Your Team? - Jazz & Swing
Hear from your colleagues how to best position the in-house legal team and what you can do to shine.
Rossana Buzzi, Schneider Electric EMEA, Sesto San Giovanni, Italy
Robert D. Hunter, Altec Inc., Birmingham, AL USA
Erik J. Frick, Biogen Inc., Cambridge, MA USA
Tim Sperling, Boehringer Ingelheim, Ingelheim Am Rhein, Germany
12.45 - 1.00 p.m.
Closing Remarks - Jazz & Swing
Daniela Karollus-Bruner, 2015 International Corporate Counsel College Director, CMS Reich - Rohrwig Hainz Rechtsanwalte GmbH, Vienna, Austria
Paul Lefebvre, 2016 International Corporate Counsel College Director, Hanotiau & Van Den Berg, Brussels, Belgium