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CLE Materials
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Approximately 6.5 hours of CLE credit in 60-minute states and 7.8 hours of CLE credit in 50-minute states has been requested for accreditation from all mandatory continuing legal education jurisdictions where we had registrants as of September 18. Welcome and Introductions, Closing Remarks, the Welcome Comments, the Lunch, the Dinner, and Breaks are not available for CLE credit.
How to Obtain CLE Credit:
*You must sign-in on the attendance sheet onsite each morning of the meeting.*
Shortly after the program, you will receive an email from CEU Institute with a link to enter your state bar information and the programs you attended. Once complete, you will receive a Certificate of Attendance with this information and instructions on the reporting requirements for the state(s) where you are licensed. The online form does include a place to enter information regarding teaching credits, etc.
The link/portal will stay open for 2 WEEKS. You MUST complete the online form by October 11th to have your credits reported.
For any follow-up questions on CLE credits, please email the CEU Institute at [email protected].
26 September, Thursday
10:15 a.m. - 11:15 a.m. (60 General CLE Minutes)
The Future is Now: The Intersection of AI and Legal Practice
11:30 a.m. - 12:30 p.m. (60 General CLE Minutes)
A New Norm with Risk? Green Claims vs. Reporting Obligations and How to Bridge the Gap Between Green Washing and Green Hushing
2:00 p.m. - 3:00 p.m. (60 General CLE Minutes)
Like Dominos Falling: The Impacts of a World in Crisis on the Global Supply Chain and the Resulting Litigation
3:15 p.m. - 4:15 p.m. (60 General CLE Minutes)
Sanctions, Sanctions Everywhere...GCs Must Know How to Negotiate Sanctions and Protect Corporate Interests
27 September, Friday
9:45 a.m. - 10:30 a.m. (45 General CLE Minutes)
Code Red: Cyber Attacks - Not a Matter of If but of When
10:45 a.m. - 11:45 a.m. (60 General CLE Minutes)
This Dispute Won’t Go Away. Now What?
12:00 p.m. - 12:45 p.m. (45 General CLE Minutes)
Lost in Translation - Cultural Differences and the Effects on Business Outcomes. Do We Really Speak the Same Language?
Below you will find the CLE schedule with materials for the 2024 International Corporate Counsel College.
Under each CLE program description, CLE materials are listed. Please click each hyperlink to access that specific CLE material. If you have any issues accessing these materials, please contact Melisa Maisel Vanis, Director of Meetings and Professional Development, at [email protected] or Ashley Hatfield, Director of Communications, at [email protected].
9:00 a.m. - 9:30 a.m.
9:30 a.m. - 9:45 a.m.
Donna Lamontagne, IADC President, Lamontagne, Spaulding & Hayes, LLP, Cranston, RI USA
Döne Yalçın, International Corporate Counsel College Director, CMS Türkiye, Istanbul, Türkiye
9:45 a.m. - 10:15 a.m. (Not for CLE Credit)
Selim Yenel, President of the Global Relations Forum and Former Ambassador and Permanent Delegate of Türkiye to the European Union (2011-17), Istanbul, Türkiye
Marina Smelyanskaya, United Nations Development Program, Team Leader, HIV, Health and Development, Europe and Central Asia, Istanbul, Türkiye
10:15 a.m. - 11:15 a.m. (60 General CLE Minutes)
The Future is Now: The Intersection of AI and Legal Practice
There is widespread consensus that AI has only just begun to change the practice of law and that much more lies ahead. This panel will explore current AI-powered legal tools and their applications as well as future trends and their impacts on legal workflows and efficiency. Our experts will address current EU AI regulations and upcoming legislation and provide practical advice on corporate policies for AI governance and compliance strategies. We will also review what you need to know about the ethical and legal considerations raised by AI use, including algorithmic bias, informed consent in AI data usage, and privacy and data protection. For in-house counsel and external counsel alike, this is a program not to be missed!
Moderator: James F. Rogers, Nelson Mullins Riley & Scarborough LLP, Columbia, SC USA
Speakers: Oğuzhan Arslan, Head of Commercial Legal, Microsoft, Istanbul, Türkiye; İlkay Baruh, Chief Legal Officer, Mikrogrup, Istanbul, Türkiye; Osman Gazi Güçlütürk, Legal and Regulatory Lead, Holistic AI, Istanbul, Türkiye; Nur Yalçıner Kılıç, Legal, Risk and Compliance Director, SabancıDX, Istanbul, Türkiye
11:15 a.m. - 11:30 a.m.
11:30 a.m. - 12:30 p.m. (60 General CLE Minutes)
A New Norm with Risk? Green Claims vs. Reporting Obligations and How to Bridge the Gap Between Green Washing and Green Hushing
The increasing consideration of environmental, social, and governance (ESG) aspects has initiated a decisive change, but it is not without risks. Although the Environmental Disclosures Directive is still at the beginning of its legislative journey and will be implemented differently across the EU, it represents a significant step forward. From the EU Green Deal to the Green New Deal in the US and the efforts of the world’s leading economies to rapidly move towards net zero, our future sustainability will dominate global policy making. In a landscape characterized by green claims and sustainability reporting obligations, the challenge is to bridge the gap between genuine sustainability efforts and superficial greenwashing. From claiming that a product or service is environmentally friendly or sustainable to dealing with ‘environmental litigation’ - court cases involving environmental issues - addressing risks within supply chains is critical. Join us as we explore the complexities of ESG implementation and avoid falling into the traps of tokenism and hidden realities.
Moderator: Döne Yalçın, CMS Türkiye, Istanbul, Türkiye
Speakers: Ebru Bakkaloğlu Tüzecan, Sustainability Coordinator, Koç Holding, Istanbul, Türkiye; Christian Murad, Head of Legal Middle East, Associate General Counsel, Lucid Motors, Dubai, United Arab Emirates; Lukas Casey, International Finance Corporation, Istanbul, Türkiye
12:30 p.m. - 2:00 p.m.
2:00 p.m. - 3:00 p.m. (60 General CLE Minutes)
Like Dominos Falling: The Impacts of a World in Crisis on the Global Supply Chain and the Resulting Litigation
Wars. Pandemics. Economic recessions. We are or have recently experienced enormous events that not only have had significant impacts on the countries where they originated, but the entire globe. Manufacturers have had resulting struggles with production, due in part from issues with getting component parts and issues with labor during the manufacturing process. A cascade of problems ranging from a failure to meet production requirements to failures in product quality have resulted, and this has been a prevalent theme of resulting litigation. These problems in turn have negatively impacted distributors and the ultimate consumers. This panel of inside and outside counsel will address the impacts of the global supply chain on litigation across borders, and how companies are addressing protections for the global economy going forward.
Moderator: Mark R. Beebe, Adams and Reese LLP, New Orleans, LA USA
Speakers: Bedouin L. Joseph, General Counsel and Corporate Secretary, SeaRiver Maritime, Inc., Spring, Texas USA; Salem Mohamed, GE Healthcare, Cairo, Egypt
3:00 p.m. - 3:15 p.m.
3:15 p.m. - 4:15 p.m. (60 General CLE Minutes)
Sanctions, Sanctions Everywhere…GCs Must Know How to Negotiate Sanctions and Protect Corporate Interests
Sanctions, whether trade, financial, or travel-related, cause significant business-related issues for multi-national corporations. U.S. and EU based General Counsel (GC) must know and understand bilateral and multilateral linkages between trade relations and the intricate structure of applied sanctions. For U.S. based interests, the U.S. Officer of Foreign Assets Control (OFAC) maintains different sanctions programs for more than 35 countries: GCs must understand prohibited transactions and other dealings within which U.S. persons and entities may not engage or for which a license or permission must be obtained. GCs with EU-based interests must also understand and comply with massive and unprecedented sanctions against Russia and other countries which encompass restrictive, diplomatic, and visa measures in addition to economic sanctions. The breadth and impact of these sanctions are constantly changing and this panel of inside and outside counsel will address the impacts of sanctions on financial, trade, and other concerns as well as the diplomacy required to continue or to conduct business on an international scale providing meaningful examples of how to identify, assess, and resolve sanctions-related issues.
Moderator: Dixie T. Wells, Ellis & Winters LLP, Greensboro, NC USA
Speakers: Flavio Bertoli, LEDVANCE GmbH, Garching, Germany; Rana Günay Hoffman, Deputy Chief Legal and Compliance Officer, Koç Holding, Istanbul, Türkiye; Paul Salazar, Siemens AG, Munich, Germany
6:00 p.m.
7:30 p.m.
9:45 a.m. - 10:30 a.m. (45 General CLE Minutes)
Code Red: Cyber Attacks - Not a Matter of If but of When
Join this interactive session to see how different participants, including in-house counsel and external counsel, work together to manage the moving parts and priorities after a data breach or cyber security incident.
Moderator: Marc Dautlich, Bristows LLP, London, England
Speakers: Moutasem Abu-Ghoush, Senior Legal Counsel, Mott MacDonald, Dubai, United Arab Emirates; Dana Haubold, Cyber Security Advisor, DH Cyber Security Consultancy, Dubai/Abu Dhabi, UAE; Berkay Meşe, Senior Cyber Security Consultant, Microsoft, Istanbul, Türkiye; Kevin Wong, Financial Services Regulatory Authority, Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates
10:30 a.m. - 10:45 a.m.
10:45 a.m. - 11:45 a.m. (60 General CLE Minutes)
This Dispute Won’t Go Away. Now What?
Companies facing business to business disputes in a multinational environment want a satisfactory resolution that is quick, cost effective, sustainable, and not a distraction to their employees or a drain on resources. Is that achievable and how? Many alternatives exist – arbitration, mediation, specialized commercial courts, and traditional litigation in various forums – but, which method is the best to achieve one’s goals? For example, mediation is mandatory in many cases in Turkey. Is this an early opportunity or a formality? Similarly, some countries are offering specialized forums for business disputes, such as the Paris Commercial Court. Is a specialized court a viable option? A panel of in-house counsel and other stakeholders will share their real-world experiences in the EU and beyond on what has worked and why.
Moderator: Daniela Karollus-Bruner, CMS Reich-Rohrwig Hainz Rechtsanwalte GmbH, Vienna, Austria
Speakers: Phil Busman, Nelson Mullins Riley & Scarborough LLP, Washington, DC USA; Oya Sehirlioglu, Umur, Istanbul, Türkiye; Katie Whang, Johnson & Johnson, Dubai, United Arab Emirates
11:45 a.m. - 12:00 p.m.
12:00 p.m.- 12:45 p.m. (45 General CLE Minutes)
Lost in Translation - Cultural Differences and the Effects on Business Outcomes. Do We Really Speak the Same Language?
We live in a complex and interconnected world that, by definition, has a diverse cultural environment and sensitivity. This dimension requires organizations to foster an inclusive and culturally sensitive working space to properly respond to the needs of their different employees and business partners. Is your company a place where all employees feel “safe” despite their ethnicity, religious orientation, and sexual identity? Does it matter in your organization what generation your employees belong to? Does your company recognize every talent and enable the ability of all employees by breaking down visible and invisible barriers? This panel of in-house and outside professionals will go through these and other aspects of cultural diversity, its impacts and effects on the day-by-day business, and how companies must embrace diversity.
Speakers: Sena Erten, Vice President, Middle East & Africa, Ericsson, Dubai, United Arab Emirates; Dr. Roberto Isibor, Hogan Lovells Milan, Milan, Italy; Özlem Kılınç, Head of Legal, MENAT, Kellanova, Istanbul, Türkiye; Tommaso Scurto, Legal Counsel, Vienna, Austria
12:45 p.m. - 1:00 p.m.
Döne Yalçin, 2024 International Corporate Counsel College Director, CMS Türkiye, Istanbul, Türkiye
Anna Cook, 2025 International Corporate Counsel College Director, Bristows LLP, London, England