Adam R. Mordecai Joins Morrison Mahoney LLP as Partner

April 12, 2021 11:13 AM
Adam Mordecai

 Adam R. Mordecai has joined Morrison Mahoney LLP as a partner in its Manchester, NH office. He has experience representing both plaintiffs and defendants in all manners of state and federal forums, including jury trials, bench trials, arbitrations, administrative hearings and mediations. Adam represents businesses large and small, insurers and individuals, with a particular emphasis on defending personal injury claims, resolving employment matters, handling insurance coverage issues, and litigating construction disputes on behalf of contractors, subcontractors and project owners.

Adam works closely with clients to understand their priorities and find a resolution that best serves the client’s business or personal interests, whether through mediation, arbitration, trial or other means. Prior to joining Morrison Mahoney, Adam was a shareholder of a northern New England-based law firm for nearly 10 years. He serves as a fellow of the Litigation Counsel of America, member of the Defense Research Institute (DRI) and member of the International Association of Defense Counsel (IADC), among other organizations. In addition to his practice, Adam is a frequent instructor for CLE courses hosted by NBI.


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