Amy M. Stewart, Founding Partner of Stewart Law Group PLLC, has been selected as one of the three 2022 Attorney of the Year finalists for the TEXAS LAWYER I LAW.COM 2022 Texas Legal Awards. This year's finalists include Thomas Melsheimer, Winston & Strawn Law Firm, Randall Sorrels, Sorrels Law, and Amy M. Stewart, Stewart Law Group PLLC. Attorney of the Year winner will be announced at the Texas Legal Awards event at the Arts District Mansion on September 14, 2022.
Amy M. Stewart started Stewart Law Group PLLC in 2017. Still, today the firm is the only minority and woman-owned law firm in Dallas that focuses on areas of general civil litigation, labor and employment, contracts, product liability, arbitrations, personal injury, sports law, and insurance defense. As the leader of a minority and woman-owned business, Amy is driven to prove that diversity and excellence are not mutually exclusive concepts," said Amy. "Based on my experience coaching athletes to reach their full potential, I enjoy helping others in my community thrive. It is our obligation to lift others as we climb." She continually promotes diversity within the legal profession through hiring, retention, and mentoring of minority, women, and LGBTQ attorneys, partnering with minority, women, and LGBTQ-owned law firms, and involvement with community activities designed to promote diversity within the legal profession.
Amy firmly believes in paying it forward, uplifting women throughout the legal profession, and celebrating their successes. She has repeatedly said, "If one succeeds, all women succeed in the long term." Along with spending enormous time and resources, Amy mentors several new attorneys in the Dallas Metroplex and young lawyers across the country. Amy's dedication to mentoring was hands-on this summer as she coordinated and facilitated the Diverse Lawyers Trial Academy in our community!
A nonprofit close to Amy's heart is The New Roundtable, Inc, an organization that drives the inclusion and advancement of African American women. Amy worked tirelessly behind the scenes to support and advise Chasity Henry, the founder of Roundtable and a mentee of Amy's. As part of The Roundtable's mission, the organization participated in the Diverse Attorney Pipeline Program (DAPP), which aims to prepare first-year women of color law students to become successful in big law. Amy was a driving force in getting this program off to a great start, with her firm providing the time, money, and paid internships. In 2022, Amy was nominated to be on the Board of Directors, providing guidance and advice to help develop the goals of this nonprofit.
Amy M. Stewart is an attentive and humble leader in every factor of her personal life and law profession. Amy's legal affiliations include the Dallas Bar Association Board of Directors; State Bar of Texas Litigation Council, Co-Chair; ABA Litigation Section American Bar Association, Council Member; The Center for American and International Law, Barrister; Patrick E. Higginbotham American Inn of Court; International Association of Defense Counsel; Business Litigation, Employment Law, and Trial Techniques and Tactics Committees. She is a member of the DBA's Coronavirus Task Force, the Dallas Steering Committee of the Diverse Attorney Pipeline Program's Direct initiative, Allied Dallas Bars' Equality Taskforce, National Association of Minority and Women Owned Law Firms, and the Federation of Defense & Corporate Counsel. Amy works with these organizations to provide workshops, frequently speaks at local, state, and national legal and non-legal conferences, and participates in panel discussions to educate women law students and attorneys on navigating the ins and outs of the legal profession. These are just a few reasons why Amy M. Stewart has been selected as one of this year's 2022 Attorney of the Year finalists.