I am truly honored to serve as your president during our Centennial celebration. In 1920, we were founded by “about 11 men,” and since then the Association has evolved, grown, and flourished to meet our members' needs, as well as to address what is happening in the world. Going into 2020, we can be proud of who we are and where we are headed.
The Committee Chair Corner initiative was started in 2017 by Past President Andy Kopon. He wanted all IADC members to have insight into more than 25 Committees we have. These Committees are truly the “life blood” of the IADC, and the opportunities they present are incredibly robust. Our Committees are responsible for developing CLE programming for our Midyear and Annual Meetings; producing our complimentary Webinars; generating monthly newsletters, writing articles for the peer-reviewed prestigious Defense Counsel Journal, most recently, recording podcast episodes; and developing valuable special projects.
The Committee Chair Corner articles are written by our Committee Chairs and will be shared every two weeks with our membership. These articles will address topics that are important to the Committee, and will also discuss what the Committee is doing within the Association. I encourage you to read these thoughtful articles and to join any new Committees you find interest in or to engage more within your current Committees. If you would like to join a Committee, email Maria Juarez at mjuarez@iadclaw.org. If you are looking to become more involved with a Committee you are already a part of, reach out to the Committee Chair. You can find the leadership of all of our Committees here. I know they will be glad to help you find your place.
As we enter our 100th year and our Centennial celebration, we want each and every member to engage and involve themselves in the organization. We are strong and successful because of our members. With your participation, involvement, and thoughts, we become stronger and more successful. Your contributions help create an environment that is not only beneficial to yourself, but to every other member.
Getting involved in one of our 25 Committees is one of the easiest ways to engage in the Association and to network with fellow members. I hope these articles are helpful in showing you how you can get involved.
I hope you take advantage of these opportunities. I will work throughout the year with our Board and your Committee leaders to make you proud of your IADC membership.