IADC member Chas Reynolds, a partner at Butler Weihmuller Katz Craig LLP, has been appointed as a member of the Supreme Court's Judicial Ethics Advisory Committee by the Florida Bar Board of Governors.
This appointment is a four-year term that began on March 1, 2018.
Chas is one of only two attorneys chosen from a statewide list of nominees to serve with 10 judges from the District Court of Appeals and Circuit Courts. The committee is responsible for writing opinions on questions of judicial ethics posed by Florida judges regarding conduct both in and out of the courtroom to include those related to election finance issues. These opinions are then codified and available for reference.
Chas is a partner at Butler Weihmuller Katz Craig LLP in Tampa, FL. He practices in the Casualty Defense Litigation; Construction; Medical & Professional Malpractice Liability; and Product Liability departments.