Committee Chair Corner: Jason Rose

May 15, 2020 08:29 AM
Jason Rose

Committee Chair Corner – Drug, Device and Biotechnology Committee
Jason C. Rose
Venable LLP
[email protected]

It has been an honor to chair the IADC’s Drug, Device and Biotechnology (DDB) Committee over the past two years and I couldn’t be happier that Kirsten Abel will take the reins in a couple of months and bring her enthusiasm, leadership, and expertise in this area to our Committee.

As one of the IADC’s largest Committees, we are excited about the way in which the new Communities platform on the website and mobile app facilitates connections and the sharing of information among our members, particularly now amidst COVID-19 where virtual connections are the connections. We are pleased with the outreach we’ve undertaken with our in-house counsel Committee members and the feedback we received from them about how to improve their membership experience, and we look forward to implementing some new initiatives based on their responses. We also have added a guest speaker to our monthly Committee meetings to present briefly on a new case or hot topic, which has been well received and helped to increase participation in our meetings. I want to thank everyone who has presented and helped arranged speakers.

We welcome active participation from our Committees members. Our Vice Chair for Membership has been reaching out to new members to encourage participation on our monthly Committee meetings, which we try to keep to 30 minutes and occur on the second Monday of the month at 1:00 p.m. central time. From proposing a CLE for an IADC meeting (don’t worry, we’re going to have them again!), to writing one of our short monthly Newsletter pieces, to presenting a Webinar, to partnering with an in-house counsel on a scholarly Defense Counsel Journal article, to proposing an agenda item for our monthly meeting, there are plenty of ways to get involved on our Committee. Please contact me or one of our Vice Chairs—Kirsten Abel (Webinars), Stephen Myers (Publications), Chad Hutchinson (Member Involvement), Jay Stroble (Midyear Meeting CLEs), Daniel Higginbotham (Annual Meeting CLEs), Jeni Heis (Membership), Joe Cohen (Diversity), Kathy Lett (Communications), and Peter Pliszka (International)—and we will help you with an opportunity. 

We’re looking forward to another great year ahead as we continue celebrating the IADC’s Centennial into 2021. I want to thank our DDB Committee Vice Chairs and members for your continued involvement and support of the IADC.

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