Elizabeth Sorenson Brotten
Liz Sorenson Brotten, a partner in Foley & Mansfield's Minneapolis office, was recognized with the 2020 Minnesota Defense Lawyers Association (MDLA) President's Award at the organization's recent annual meeting.
Each year, the MDLA recognizes a member who has demonstrated extraordinary contribution to the MDLA and the civil defense bar. Recognizing the need for a network to support and retain female attorneys within the defense bar, Liz co-founded the MDLA’s Women in the Law Committee in 2018, and has worked to develop and grow the committee’s impact over the past two years. Liz also recently introduced public service projects to MDLA seminars, helping to coordinate a school supply drive at the most recent Trial Techniques Seminar, and a winter clothing drive at this year’s Mid-Winter Conference.
Liz serves on the firm’s Executive Committee. She defends product manufacturers, distributors, contractors, and premises owners in product liability and toxic tort claims through the Midwest. Liz currently serves on the Board of Directors of the MDLA and formerly chaired its Products Liability committee for several years.