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2021 IADC Canadian Virtual Regional Meeting - Toronto, Ontario

Wednesday, June 23, 2021
04:00 PM - 05:30 PM Eastern Standard Time (Eastern Time (US & Canada))

Please join us for the Canadian Virtual Regional Meeting on Wednesday, June 23.


On Wednesday, June 23, we will host our Canadian Virtual Regional Meeting from 4:00 to 5:30 p.m. EDT / 3:00 to 4:30 p.m. CDT. This event will be held via Zoom, and we look forward to connecting with you.

Heather C. Devine
Alexander Holburn Beaudin Lang LLP
Toronto, Ontario Canada

Host City:
Toronto, Ontario Canada

Featured Program:
"East-West, North-South: Toronto Regional Meeting Anticipates the Transformation of Business and Law in a Post-COVID World"

Featured Speakers:
Heather C. Devine
Justice Mahmud Jamal
Justice Paul Schabas
Bonnie Mayfield
Eric Zalud
Amanda Quayle Q.C.
Glenn Zakaib
Louis Charette
Louis-Philippe Cartier

For assistance with registration, please contact Meetings Registrar Maria Juarez. For all other questions, please contact Director of Professional Development Melisa Maisel Vanis.

For information on any upcoming Regional Meeting, please visit the Regional Meeting page on the IADC website.

Registration Instructions

Every attendee must register themselves for the Regional Meeting (IADC member or non-member), and you need to be logged in with a username and password in order to register. If you have ever attended an IADC meeting before, you already have a username and password. If you cannot remember your password, please email Diana Leon, Administrative Assistant, at [email protected].

If this is your first time registering for an event, you will need to create an account when prompted on the registration page and then continue with your registration.

When registering, please select the "Register Myself" button, then answer the question and press the “Save Response” button, followed by the "Proceed to Checkout" button, and finally the "Submit Order" button in order to complete your registration.


IADC Zoom Links

If you’ve registered for a virtual IADC meeting and have had difficulty locating your Zoom link (each registrant receives a specific link to them), below are some helpful tips:

  • After registering, you will receive an email from the IADC staffer coordinating the meeting which uses this [email protected] address to send your link. Please be sure you whitelist that address as it could get caught in your spam filters. In addition, you are able to add the meeting and your Zoom link to your calendar through this email.
  • NEW! Your IADC website profile. We recently updated member profiles to include your links to any virtual IADC meeting for which you are registered. Go to your account, and when you click to view/edit your account, go to the “Meeting Participation” tab. There you'll find “Upcoming Virtual Meetings/Virtual Links” which includes your Zoom link for each of your registered meetings. You can copy and paste your specific Zoom link into your browser to join the meeting.

