The Current State of EV Chargers - Competing Philosophies, Regulations, and Challenges
This presentation will provide an overview of some necessary terminology when talking about EV chargers including a review of the different approaches taken by EV manufacturers to EV charger designs. The presentation will also provide a high level overview of the existing but rapidly evolving regulatory scene around EV chargers in the US and around the world including the myriad local city and state level regulations that must be kept in mind when designing and installing EV chargers. The second half of the presentation will focus on an overview of the risks and challenges associated with EV chargers specially around safety and will end with 2-3 case studies of things that have gone wrong in the field.
Ashish Arora, Principal Engineer, Electrical Engineering & Computer Sciences, Exponent, Phoenix, Arizona USA
H. Grant Law, Shook, Hardy & Bacon L.L.P., San Francisco, California USA
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