IADC member Guilherme Rizzo Amaral has been appointed to act as Ambassador to the Commission of the ICC International Court of Arbitration on the Belt and Road Initiative (https://iccwbo.org/dispute-resolution-services/belt-road-dispute-resolution/belt-and-road-ambassadors/). China’s Belt and Road Initiative is an ambitious international infrastructure and development strategy to promote trade and economic growth among more than 70 countries across Asia, Africa, and Europe. With that in mind, the ICC International Court of Arbitration has announced the establishment of the commission in order to drive the development of ICC’s existing dispute resolution procedures and infrastructure to support Belt and Road disputes. The commission addresses dispute resolution opportunities arising from the Belt and Road initiative and engages with the full spectrum of Belt and Road stakeholders, in China and beyond, to promote ICC dispute resolution services. These include mediation and arbitration for any disputes that arise in relation to infrastructure build and investment.
Guilherme is a counsel and arbitrator in domestic and international arbitration at Souto Correa Cesa Lummertz & Amaral Advogados. He was also a visiting scholar at the Queen Mary University of London in 2017, when he published his latest book, “Judicial Precedent and Arbitration: Are Arbitrators Bound by Judicial Precedent?” (London: Wildy, Simmonds & Hill). The second edition of the book was just published in London, containing an appendix addressing the impact of Chinese Guiding Cases on arbitration.