Henry Morrissette

Committee Chair Corner – In-House and Law Firm Management Committee
Henry Morrissette
Hand Arendall Harrison Sale, LLC
[email protected]

I have the pleasure of serving as the new Chair of the In-House and Law Firm Management Committee. Our Committee is small but mighty. For the last two years, under the leadership of Michele Smith, the Committee has presented a number of exciting seminar programs and Webinars. We have recently launched a podcast series addressing issues relevant to law firm management and our in-house counsel members. Our goal is to provide information and to present programming to address developments and challenges concerning law firm management, issues faced by our in-house members, and how to provide the highest levels of service and advocacy to our common clients. We also want to lead education of and discussion between in-house and outside counsel members concerning our attorney-client relationships and the challenges that each of us face. 

We would love to have you join us in these efforts and become involved in the Committee. 

Monthly Calls

We have monthly calls scheduled for the second Wednesday of every month at 1:30 p.m. central time. On those calls, we discuss upcoming programming and activities and also have an opportunity to exchange ideas and seek input on issues facing our members.


We sponsor programming through Webinars and programs at the Midyear and Annual meeting. We will have programming at this year’s Midyear and Annual Meetings so please look out for those programs when the schedules for those meetings are released.

At the recent Annual Meeting at The Grove Park Inn, we co-sponsored the following programs: “Deciphering and Managing the Micromessages in Your Practice” and “Deep Work: The Importance of Managing Your Attention in a World Full of Distractions.”


We also recently co-sponsored a Webinar titled “Who’s On Deck: A Panel Discussion on Retaining Clients for the Next Generation.” on August 21, 2019. You can find that presentation here.


As noted above, we have also started a podcast – IADC Speaks. Michele Smith produced the first podcast involving an interview with Bob Black, Managing Shareholder at MehaffyWeber, which is available on the IADC website. I encourage you to listen to this podcast. Our goal is to begin to produce a podcast on a quarterly basis and to adjust that schedule once we have a better idea as to the preferred frequency of these podcasts. If you have a podcast topic that you would like us to address or if you would like to participate in a podcast, please let me know.

Vice Chairs

I would also like to introduce our Vice Chairs for the coming year:

Programs and Projects:  Thomas E. Ganucheau
Membership:   Sara Cronan Spurlock
Publications:   Amy K. Fisher
Webinar:   Janelle L. Davis
Communications:  Martin J. Healy
Diversity:   Kimberly Hardeman
International:   Steven Rosenhek
Corporate Counsel:  R. Matthew Cairns
Insurance Executive:  William Garcia
Special Projects:  Cal Watson


We would love to have you join our Committee and help explore important issues for our practices, our law firms, corporate counsel, and clients. 

Please join us on our calls and also look for opportunities to attend our programming at the 2020 Midyear Meeting at Pebble Beach - February 22-27, 2020, and the Annual Meeting in Chicago - July 4-9, 2020. We look forward to talking to you on our next call. Thank you for supporting the Committee.  

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