Committee Chair Corner - International Arbitration Committee
Hiroyuki Tezuka
Nishimura & Asahi
[email protected]
It is my great pleasure and honor to succeed Anton Maurer as Chair of the International Arbitration Committee. Our Committee has a large number of international members from various jurisdictions in Europe, Latin America, Asia, and other non-U.S. countries, as well as U.S. members actively involved in international arbitration both in and outside of the United States. I wish to contribute to the development of our Committee with the assistance of my outstanding Vice Chairs, shown below, who demonstrate our Committee’s respect for jurisdictional and gender diversity:
Vice Chair of Newsletter - Anton G. Maurer
Vice Chair of Membership - Mary E. Bartkus
Vice Chair of Membership - Axel Reeg, Ph.D
Vice Chair of Membership - Edmund J. Kronenburg
Vice Chair of Membership - Maria Orlyk
Vice Chair of Membership - Cecilia Flores Rueda
Vice Chair of Membership - Thierry Koenig
Vice Chair of Membership - Yoshihiro Takatori
Vice Chair of Journal - Mica Nguyen Worthy
Vice Chair of Webinar - Rouven F. Bodenheimer
Vice Chair of Programs and Projects - Mauricio Gomm Santos
Vice Chair of Programs and Projects - Antje Baumann
Vice Chair Corporate Counsel - Susanne Gropp-Stadler
Our Committee is sponsoring a CLE session on Med-Arb/Arb-Med at the 2020 IADC Midyear Meeting in Pebble Beach. We plan to have a very strong panel of speakers, consisting of a representative of an arbitration institution, the in-house counsel of a large corporation, and a private practitioner with extensive experience acting as counsel, an arbitrator, and a mediator. I hope that the members of our Committee will not only learn about the most recent developments in the use of med-arb/arb-med and other hybrid mechanisms to reduce the time and costs of international dispute resolution, but also participate in lively discussions with the panel and share their own varied views and experiences.
At the 2020 IADC Annual Meeting in Chicago, which is the Centennial celebration of our organization, our Committee plans to sponsor a CLE session on the use of Artificial Intelligence in International Arbitration (AI in IA). This topic is very timely, as the legal industry is now using AI extensively, including in international arbitration.
Our Committee has been active in publishing Journal articles and Newsletters, as well as organizing a Webinar, thanks to the leadership of the Vice Chairs in those areas. We also intend to be active in organizing sessions for IADC’s Regional Meetings.
Because the members of our Committee are located in multiple time zones, we have decided to conduct our monthly calls on the second Tuesday of every other month (in odd-numbered months), at 8 a.m. Central time. We would love to hear your thoughts and ideas on possible topics for future panels, Journal articles, Newsletters, and Webinars. We would also like to solicit suggestions on ways to promote our Committee, including ways to encourage international arbitration lawyers to join IADC. An increasing number of arbitration organizations (ICCA, ICC, SIAC, etc.) have created groups to help young arbitration lawyers become more actively engaged in the organizations’ activities; we also wish to consider ways to encourage young arbitration practitioners to become more actively involved with our Committee.
Although I have been involved in international arbitration for nearly 35 years, I am a relatively new member of IADC (having joined in 2016), and I must confess that I have a lot to learn about the people, traditions, and practices of IADC in order to serve as an effective Committee Chair. Once again, I would like to thank Anton and the other members of our Committee for their kind guidance and assistance. I hope that with the help of my Vice Chairs and the other Committee members, I will contribute to the growth and development of our Committee and help to ensure that our activities remain both enjoyable and useful to our members.