IADC Announced 2017-18 Board of Directors

July 17, 2017 01:01 PM

The very special 2017 Annual Meeting has come to a close. Québec City was a wonderful location for our top notch CLE and signature IADC fellowship events. The meeting ended with the recommendation and acceptance of the new IADC Board of Directors members.

They are:

Andrew Kopon, Jr.

Kopon Airdo, LLC
Chicago, Illinois USA

Craig A. Thompson

Venable LLP
Baltimore, Maryland USA

Immediate Past President
John T. Lay, Jr.

Gallivan, White & Boyd, P.A.
Columbia, South Carolina USA

Vice President of International
Colin Loveday

Clayton Utz
Sydney, Australia

Archibald T. Reeves, IV

McDowell Knight
Mobile, Alabama USA

Board Members

Molly Hughes Cherry
Nexsen Pruet, LLC
Charleston, South Carolina USA

Michael D. Crim
McNeer, Highland, McMunn and Varner, LC
Clarksburg, West Virginia USA

Spencer H. Silverglate
Clarke Silverglate, P.A.
Miami, Florida USA

Thank you to the following outgoing Board Members for their years of service. We are very grateful for their effort.

Immediate Past President
Joseph E. O'Neil
Lavin, O'Neil, Cedrone & DiSipio
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania USA

Leta E. Gorman
Betts, Patterson & Mines, P.S.
Portland, Oregon USA

Vice President of International
Emmanuèle Lutfalla
Soulié & Coste-Floret
Paris, France

Third Year Board Members
Jeptha F. Barbour
Marks Gary, P.A.
Jacksonville, Florida USA

Eve B. Masinter
Breazeale, Sachse & Wilson, L.L.P.
New Orleans, Louisiana USA

Thank you to the Nominating Committee Chair Quentin Urquhart and his committee for its hard work: Asim Desai, Bonnie Mayfield, Peter Pliszka, and Stephanie Rippee.

A special thanks to John T. Lay for his wonderful leadership this past year as President.

Congratulations to our new Board members! 

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