IADC Announces 2016-17 New Board of Directors Members

July 19, 2016 08:03 PM

Lay_JohnT_2016_sized   Kopon_Andy_2013_sized   ONeil_Joseph_2014_sized   ConlonPatrick_sized

Reeves_Archibald_2012_sized   Chamberlin_Andrew_2013_sized   Cole_Deborah_2015_sized   De_Santos_Laura_2012_sized


The 2016 Annual Meeting ended with the recommendation and acceptance of the new IADC Board of Directors members.

They are:

John T. Lay, Jr.

Gallivan, White & Boyd, P.A.
Columbia, South Carolina USA

Andrew Kopon, Jr.

Kopon Airdo, LLC
Chicago, Illinois USA

Immediate Past President
Joseph E. O'Neil

Lavin, O'Neil, Cedrone & DiSipio
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania USA

Vice President of Corporate
Patrick J. Conlon

Exxon Mobil Corporation
Houston, Texas USA

Archibald T. Reeves, IV

McDowell Knight
Mobile, Alabama USA

Board Members

Andrew S. Chamberlin
Ellis & Winters LLP
Greensboro, North Carolina USA

Deborah G. Cole
Chicago, Illinois USA

Laura E. De Santos
Gordon & Rees, LLP
Houston, Texas USA

Congratulations to our new Board members!


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