The very special 2018 Annual Meeting has come to a close. Lisbon was a great location for our top notch CLE and signature IADC fellowship events. We ended our meeting with the recommendation and acceptance of the new IADC Board of Directors members.
They are:
Craig A. Thompson
Venable LLP
Baltimore, Maryland USA
Amy Sherry Fischer
Foliart, Huff, Ottaway & Bottom
Oklahoma City, Oklahoma USA
Immediate Past President
Andrew Kopon Jr.
Kopon Airdo, LLC
Chicago, Illinois USA
Vice President of Insurance
Frank A. Lattal
Chubb Group
Hamilton, Bermuda
Board Members
Mark R. Beebe
Adams and Reese LLP
New Orleans, Louisiana USA
Stephanie M. Rippee
Watkins & Eager PLLC
Jackson, Mississippi USA
Thomas Rouhette
Hogan Lovells (Paris) LLP
Paris, France
Thank you to the following outgoing Board Members for their years of service. We are very grateful for their effort.
Immediate Past President
John T. Lay, Jr.
Gallivan, White & Boyd, P.A.
Columbia, South Carolina USA
Vice President of Insurance
Albert C. Hilber
Swiss Re America Corporation
Armonk, New York USA
Third Year Board Members
S. Gordon McKee
Blake, Cassels & Graydon LLP
Toronto, Ontario Canada
David J. Rosenberg
Weber Gallagher Simpson Stapleton Fires & Newby, LLP
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania USA
Thank you to the Nominating Committee Chair Molly Craig and her committee for its hard work this week: Dominic Campodonico, Louis Charette, Peggy Ward, and Sandy Wunderlich.
A special thanks to Andrew Kopon Jr. for his wonderful leadership this past year as President.
Congratulations to our new Board members!