Attention, boos and ghouls! This time of year is for all things spooky! We are within a ghost’s breath of meeting our membership goal for the year. So put down those pumpkin spice lattes and get ready for the Monster Mash Membership Dash campaign. From the beginning of October through November 30, 2023, we are challenging all Substantive Law Committees and Regional Chairs to scare up nominations of lawyers and insurance executives they want to join the IADC.
Here is what we are asking you to do:
1. Your Committee or Region will brainstorm a team name by mid-October (efforts led by your Committee Chair). “Dismembered” may be taken. But who knows? Kick some ideas around the crypt. It is up to you!
2. Work with your Committee to nominate great people and great lawyers or insurance executives. We want the best for the IADC; so we don’t just want names. Think of folks who are impressive and diverse, and keep our strategic objectives in mind: those under 45; international candidates; lawyers from large firms; female candidates; and corporate candidates. IMPORTANT: BE SURE TO NOTE YOUR COMMITTEE AND REGION ON THE NOMINATION FORM TO GET CREDIT.
We’ll offer regular updates on how the teams are doing in the tournament. By November 30, we will have two winners:
Overall Winner: Committee or Region with the most total nominations submitted.
Small But Mighty Winner: Committee or Region with fewer than 100 members with the highest number of nominations submitted.
The prize: Members of the two winning teams will be invited to the President’s suite at the Midyear Meeting in Miami for a special reception. (It’s up to you whether you wear your Halloween costume.) You’ll also get special name badge flair so everyone knows you are part of the winning team!
Questions? Ask Blake Howard, Membership Manager at