Laura Kogan Appointed to Advisory Group of the U.S. District Court

July 15, 2024 06:14 AM
Laura Kogan

Laura Kogan, partner at Benesch Friedlander Coplan & Aronoff LLP, has been appointed to serve as a member of the Advisory Group of the U.S. District Court for the Northern District of Ohio. Advisory Group members are appointed to three-year terms, with opportunities for reappointment, reflecting their ongoing contributions and leadership.

Laura’s role as a member of the Advisory Group will involve providing information on matters of interest to the court and assisting in implementing court-adopted programs, such as electronic filing and electronic courtroom projects. The Advisory Group is also responsible for bringing matters of interest from the bar and the community to the court’s attention.

Laura has a broad range of experience defending public and private companies in commercial litigation. She has represented corporations in paramount legal matters, including multimillion-dollar class actions, significant business disputes, consumer claims, arbitrations, statutory issues, and litigation threatening company operations. Additionally, she has secured notable wins and brokered favorable settlements for Fortune 500 and Fortune 200 companies. Laura regularly briefs and argues motions in both state and federal court, and the outcomes of her cases have had industry-shaping implications. She has also successfully prevailed on jury issues at trial.

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