Melissa Ventrone

Committee Chair Corner – Cyber Security, Data Privacy and Technology Committee
Melissa Ventrone
Clark Hill PLC
[email protected]

The Cyber Security, Data Privacy and Technology Committee is a relatively new committee. As a new Committee Chair, I’m excited about continuing the efforts of my predecessors. As the Committee Chair, my role is to ensure that the committee provides development opportunities through leadership roles for our involved members, and that we provide value and return to the organization. As a Committee, we will work to identify new technological advances and changes that impact companies, and create a process to keep members up-to-date on constantly changing laws.

Our Committee members regularly work with businesses who are prone to and affected by cyber security, data privacy and other technology issues. Flourishing technologies are placing increasing demands on attorneys and their clients who are challenged to meet new, strict data privacy and security guidelines, and protect companies against the potentially devastating consequences for failing to meet the requirements of these guidelines. We are data privacy and security professionals both internal and external to law firms; individuals who are in-house at companies as well as those who consult for law firms and companies, and insurance professionals. We provide services that are desperately needed to manage risk in these times of breach after breach.

Our Committee’s primary goal is provide value to its members. We do that by sharing regular updates on changes in the law, educational, and development opportunities to grow as individuals and professionals. External to our Committee, we provide a valuable service to IADC in serving as thought leaders for members in addressing data and privacy laws, globally; at the intersection of communications and technology, providing real-world implications to the sometimes esoteric regulations promulgated by regulators across the world. 

If you would like to get involved or would like to learn more about the opportunities available within our Committee, please feel free to reach out to me at [email protected].

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