Robert Bond is Appointed 2nd Vice President of Society for Corporate Compliance and Ethics

November 12, 2018 02:08 PM
Robert Bond

IADC member Robert Bond has recently been appointed as 2nd Vice President of the Society for Corporate Compliance and Ethics, which means that he should be their first non-American President in 2020.

Robert is a partner with Bristows LLP in their London office and is a Solicitor and Notary Public and a Certified Compliance & Ethics Professional. He has 40 years experience as a legal expert and author in the fields of e-commerce; computer games; media and publishing; data protection; information security; and cyber risks.

He is a Director of the UK Safer Internet Centre and of the U.K. Notaries Society, Chairman of the Governance Board of the Data Protection Network, a founder member of the UN Global Pulse Privacy Advisory Group, and an Ambassador for Privacy by Design.

The Society of Corporate Compliance and Ethics (SCCE) is a non-profit, member-based professional association which supports its members' work with education, news, and discussion forums. SCCE is a community of leaders, defining and shaping the corporate compliance environment across a wide range of industries and geographic regions.

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