IADC members Gord McKee and Francis Rouleau, and thier colleague Anne Glover, all partners at Blake, Cassels, & Graydon LLP in Canada, recently authored an article for Vanderbilt Law Review. The article looks at requestor pays discovery rules, and examines what is happening outside of the United States. Gord, Francis, and Anne utilized the IADC membership by canvassing fellow members in common law jurisdictions that had comparable discovery rules.
Many others contributed to the success of the article, including contributions from International Association of Defense Counsel members (or their firms): Colin Loveday, Christabel Richards-Neville, Bonnie Perris (Clayton Utz, Australia), Anton Seilem, Benson Lim (Hogan Lovells, Singapore), and Andrew Laws and Bryan Little (Babbe LLP, Guernsey).
To read the article “A Comparative Discussion of Who Pays for Document Discovery in Australia, Canada, Guernsey (Channel Islands), and Singapore and its Effect on Access to Justice,” click here.