Steve Sitek brings more than 16 years of litigation and trial experience to his clients. He focuses his practice in the areas of commercial litigation, trust and estates litigation, construction, products liability, and general liability.
As President of the Minnesota Defense Lawyers Association (MDLA), Steve will lead the 700-member association, which is dedicated to serving the needs of lawyers engaged primarily in the defense and trial of civil disputes.
The purpose of the MDLA is to represent the defense viewpoint in handling issues concerning legislation, court procedure and practice; to exchange information on court decisions, briefs, witnesses, trends, and procedures throughout Minnesota; to exchange information on expert witnesses and to help defense attorneys obtain expert witnesses in various fields; and to provide educational and professional development
opportunities that benefit the member and civil defense practice. Steve is the sixth Bassford Remele lawyer to serve as MDLA President.
Bassford Remele proudly serves as local and national counsel for many major corporations and Fortune 500 Companies and is a go-to litigation firm representing local, national, and international clients in state and federal courts across the region.