Join the IADC Foundation and the leaders of the IADC Empowerment Collaborative as they work together during Women’s History Month to honor the members of the IADC that support the women of IADC.
It’s easy:
- Identify a member of the IADC that has supported the women of IADC (you personally or someone else);
- Go to the IADC Foundation website and make a donation of any amount to honor him/her. There is a spot on the form to designate your donation in honor of an individual and write a tribute message. You also can choose whether you want the person to be notified of your contribution. If you click the box to notify them, the IADC Foundation will send your honoree an email with notice of your contribution and your tribute message.
- If you wish, post about your tribute on your social media and tag @International Association of Defense Counsel, #iadclaw, and #iadcfoundation.
Support The IADC Foundation’s important causes and honor someone important to your life and career.

The Empowerment Collaborative is a Diversity, Equity, Inclusion and Belonging Committee initiative supporting the continued professional advancement of IADC’s women members. TEC welcomes all (women and men) IADC members to participate in its activities.
The Foundation of the IADC seeks to have a significant impact on the civil justice system by supporting the rule of law and access to justice around the world. The Foundation has provided grants to support the work of iCivics, Justice Without Borders, National Foundation for Judicial Excellence, the U.N. Office on Drugs and Crime GRACE Initiative, IADC Webinars, National High School Mock Trial Championship, and I Am Why. The Foundation is a 501(c)(3) organization whose purpose is education. Donations to The Foundation are eligible for tax deductions under the extent of the law.