The Relevance of the FDA in Pharmaceutical Products Liability Webinar

October 6, 2011 12:00 AM
The Relevance of the FDA in Pharmaceutical Products Liability Trials
in the Post-Levine World

Since the Supreme Court's decision in Wyeth v. Levine (2009), plaintiffs and pharmaceutical defendants have struggled to adapt their trial strategies related to the FDA and its interactions with pharmaceutical companies. Recently, several lower court judges have weighed in via Daubert and in limine rulings.

This presentation will discuss this recent case law and will examine strategies for successfully challenging plaintiffs' regulatory expert testimony and excluding plaintiffs' fraud-on-the FDA theories, while still maintaining the ability to present FDA-related themes and expert testimony that is helpful for the defense. The panel will also provide an international perspective on similar issues.

ONLINE REGISTRATION! Although there is no fee to attend, you must register so that the IADC can plan accordingly for the number of interested participants. Click here to register online. If you are registering multiple participants from the same firm, please register each participant individually.
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