International Corporate Counsel College Schedule and Materials
Below is the conference schedule and meeting materials for your reference. If you want to have these materials onsite at the meeting with you, please print prior and bring them with you. If you have any questions, please email Amy O'Maley McGuire.
To view a list of registered attendees as of October 1, click here.
Wednesday, 3 October 2018
5.30 - 6.30 p.m.
Welcome Reception
Torlonia, Parco dei Principi Grand Hotel & Spa
Thursday, 4 October 2018
11.00 a.m.
Meeting registration opens in front of Ruspoli/Torlonia.
12.00 - 1.15 p.m.
Luncheon and Opening Remarks
Ianika Tzankova, International Corporate Counsel College Director, Tilburg University/Tzankova Legal, Den Bosch, Netherlands
1.15 - 1.30 p.m.
1.30- 1.45 p.m.
Introduction to the IADC
Craig A. Thompson, IADC President, Venable LLP, Baltimore, Maryland USA
1.45 - 2.45 p.m.
Artificial Intelligence: What In-House Attorneys and Outside Counsel Need to Know
We live in an increasingly disruptive and transformative era in history as technology has radically changed the nature of business and with it, the legal profession. “Artificial intelligence,” or “AI,” is delivering faster and more efficient legal research, serving as the backbone of the e-discovery industry, and has the potential to transform how other legal services are provided. The challenge is determining how to deploy AI in the legal arena and which technology is right for corporate counsel and their outside lawyers. Our panel of experts will discuss the use of AI in the legal profession, share their views of the pros and cons of AI in various applications, and foreshadow the impact AI will have on the delivery of legal services.
Donald F. “Fritz” Zimmer, Jr., King & Spalding, San Francisco, California USA
Fabio Bartolomeo, Group Data Protection Officer & ICT Quality, Leonardo Company, Rome, Italy
Joanna Goodman, Freelance Journalist, Author/Editor, London, England
Paul Salazar, Senior Counsel, Siemens AG, Munich, Germany
2.45 - 3.00 p.m.
3.00 - 4.00 p.m.
Navigating the GDPR: Lessons Learned and Future Challenges
The European Union’s new General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) brings with it a vastly increased territorial scope, stricter penalties, new consent requirements, and strengthened data subject rights, as compared to the 1995 directive. Its new requirements will have a massive impact on all international companies that collect personal data from European citizens, regardless of where those companies are located. With maximum fines of up to 4% of a company’s worldwide annual gross revenues or 20 million Euros, compliance with the GDPR must be top of mind for all corporate counsel. Come hear from our experts what has been learned in the first six months since the GDPR came into force, what challenges lie ahead, and get the practical guidance you need to ensure that your company successfully navigates its requirements in a data-driven world.
Steven F. Rosenhek, Fasken Martineau DuMoulin LLP, Toronto, Ontario Canada
Nicole B. Boehler, Squire Patton Boggs, Böblingen, Germany
John Magee, William Fry, Dublin, Ireland
Dr. Andrea Simándi, Senior Attorney, European Legal Central Team, Data Privacy Corporate, External & Legal Affairs, Microsoft, Budapest, Hungary
4.00 - 4.15 p.m.
4.15 - 5.15 p.m.
What’s the Latest Buzz on Digital Advertising and Digital Disruption?
Digital advertising faces both technology disruption and increased regulatory impact. As a consequence, companies need to be cognizant of the relevant legal issues as well as the key factors driving technology development in order to protect themselves from liability risks. This panel will address issues such as the varying legality of content in different jurisdictions and the “unknown” of where it can end up being displayed; the positive effects, as well as the attendant risks, of an ad going viral; how digital advertising’s success is a function of its content; and how placement and algorithms drive web traffic to it. As privacy becomes something that people care about and regulations such as the GDPR require heightened vigilance, companies need to find a way to make it an increasingly integral part of its product design and its digital marketing.
Stacey van Hooven, Vice President & General Counsel, Essity GMBH, Ismaning, Germany
Sean Collin, Founder and Chief Legal Officer, Brand PDQ, Florence, Alabama USA
Valeria Fabbri, Legal Specialist, Furla, Bologna, Italy
Zoe Rose, Senior Director of Legal, ARM Limited, Cambridge, England
5.30 p.m.
Cocktail Reception and Dinner
Friday, 5 October 2018
8.00 - 9.00 a.m.
The Influence of ‘Outsiders’ on the Development of Professional Standards: Closing Pandora’s Box?
Professional standards were traditionally set by legislators, regulators, and the courts. Increasingly, they are being established by outsiders, such as by journalists in mainstream media, by the public through social media, and by shareholders through shareholder activism. These disruptors present new challenges in terms of how businesses manage and legal counsel respond to the risks associated with standards established in this way and the public nature of what used to be strictly confidential processes and agreements. Our experts will examine these emerging challenges and give practical advice on how companies can best respond to them.
Ross Dinnan, Allens, Sydney, Australia
Peter Drucker, Director Global Dispute Resolution, Akzo Nobel, Amsterdam, Netherlands
Chris Fonteijn, Flint Global, Rotterdam, Netherlands
David Henderson, Partner, Finsbury, London, England
9.15 - 9.15 a.m.
9.15 - 10.15 a.m.
Anti-Corruption: The Art and Science of Internal Invesigations
The stakes are incredibly high when a company is faced with allegations of corruption. Regulators are aggressively pushing for record fines and terms of imprisonment, and the media spotlight is shining bright. The company’s response must be swift and effective. A misstep can be catastrophic in terms of corporate reputation and share price. Companies face pressure to quickly establish the facts and assess risk, while regulators are pushing for early cooperation and disclosure. Using an interactive case study, this panel will address best practices in internal investigations in response to allegations of corruption. The panel will answer who should conduct the investigation, how to collect and preserve evidence, how to maintain legal privilege and anticipate the collaboration of regulators across jurisdictions.
Aisha Abdallah, Anjarwalla & Khanna, Nairobi, Kenya
Timothy LaTulippe, Certified Forensic Examiner, Advanced Discovery, London, England
Cheryl Silver, General Counsel, Toshiba of Canada Ltd., Markham, Ontario Canada
10.15 - 10.30 a.m.
10.30 - 11.30 a.m.
Forum Shopping and Collective Redress in Cartel Damages Litigation: What’s New?
Being able to bring a cartel damages case in the most favorable jurisdiction is of paramount importance to any company seeking redress. In this interactive panel, each of the distinguished cartel damages experts from Germany, the UK, and the Netherlands will make a “jurisdictional pitch” to the General Counsel for a large multinational corporation that has suffered loss as a result of a recently uncovered cartel, and that seeks to bring a private action against the alleged cartelists for damages. The twist is that the corporation is not only the victim of cartel behavior, but also has itself been found guilty of prior cartel infringements. You will learn about the benefits and pitfalls of bringing cartel claims in each of the jurisdictions, not to mention how to thoroughly “grill” external lawyers vying for your company’s business!
Dr. Nadine Herrmann, Quinn Emanuel Urquhart & Sullivan, Hamburg, Germany
Minos van Joolingen, Banning, Hertogenbosch, Netherlands
Anthony Maton, Hausfeld & Co. LLP, London, England
Dr. Alexander Rinne, Milbank, Tweed, Hadley & McCloy LLP, Munich, Germany
Melissa Zujkowski, Flex Ltd., San Jose, California USA
11.30 - 11.45 a.m.
11.45 a.m. - 12.45 p.m.
The Future of Investment Arbitration within the European Union: International Court Systems on the Rise?
For years, arbitration was seen as the most effective means to protect investors in state-investor disputes. More recently, there has been a growing political debate within the European Union led by activist groups questioning the legitimacy and accountability of private dispute resolution systems in this type of dispute. The recent European trade agreements with Canada, Japan, and Vietnam, which ensure investor protection via an international court system rather than via arbitration, and the recent ECJ decision in Achmea v. The Slovak Republic, which further restricts the use of arbitration for state-investor disputes within the EU, mark a new era in investor protection, at least in Europe. This panel will discuss these recent developments and their implications. Do they signal a local European phenomenon or a more fundamental change in the thinking about global dispute resolution? To what extent will these European changes with respect to the resolution of state-investor disputes affect international commercial arbitration more generally?
Cecilia Carrara, Legance Avvocati Associati, Rome, Italy
Paul Lefebvre, Hanotiau & Van Den Berg, Brussels, Belgium
Edoardo Marcenaro, Head of Legal & Corporate Affairs, ENEL Green Power, Rome, Italy
Luigi Malferrari, EU Commission, Brussels, Belgium
Georgios Petrochilos, Partner, Three Crowns LLP, Paris, France
12.45 - 1.00 p.m.
Closing Remarks
Ianika Tzankova, International Corporate Counsel College Director, Tilburg University/Tzankova Legal, Den Bosch, Netherlands
Jodok Wicki, International Corporate Counsel College Director-Elect, CMS Von Erlach Poncet Ltd., Zurich, Switzerland