Experiences, Tips, and Examples
Mentorship Program
Larry Smith (Rumberger, Kirk & Caldwell, P.A.) describes a mutually beneficial mentorship program between his law firm and a nearby hbc law school.
Tips for Forming a Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Belonging Committee at a Smaller Firm
IADC member Cal Watson (Robinson Gray Stepp & Laffitte, LLC) and Beth Richardson (Robinson Gray Stepp & Laffitte, LLC, DEI Committee Chair) discuss the process of how to form a Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Belonging Committee, with tips specifically for smaller law firms.
Developing and Implementing a Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Belonging Plan
IADC member Mary Catherine Way (DLA Piper) talks with Raymond Williams (DLA Piper, National Diversity and Inclusion Partner) about the most important features of a successful Diversity, equity, inclusion, and belonging plan.
Tips for Retaining Diverse Talent
IADC member Melissa Lin (Righi Fitch Law Group) discusses what law firms can do to retain diverse talent.
Hiring a Diversity Consultant
IADC member Larry Smith (Rumberger, Kirk & Caldwell, P.A.) and IADC member Cal Watson (Robinson Gray Stepp & Laffitte, LLC) discuss why a law firm might want to hire a diversity consultant and what a diversity consultant can do for a firm.
How to Increase Diversity in Your Law Firm
IADC Board Member Jim Rogers (Nelson Mullins Riley & Scarborough LLP) and Ariel Roberson (Nelson Mullins Riley & Scarborough LLP) discuss practical tips for how to increase diversity in your workplace.
Developing a Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Program and Putting It Into Practice
Alexander Holburn lawyers involved in their firm Diversity + Inclusion Committee (Rob McLennan, Committee Co-Chair; Johann Annisette, Committee Member; Dianna Hwang, Former Committee Chair; and Christine York, Committee Co-Chair) discuss how the principles of diversity, equity, and inclusion have been incorporated into all aspects of the firm.
How Small and Medium Law Firms Can Build a Culture of Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Belonging
IADC member Beth Fitch (Righi Fitch Law Group) provides tips on how small and medium sized law firms can build a culture of diversity, equity, inclusion, and Belonging.