2019 Annual Meeting CLE Materials

Below you will find the CLE schedule for the 2019 Annual Meeting. Under each CLE program description, CLE materials are listed. Please click each hyperlink to access that specific CLE material. If you have any issues accessing these materials, please contact Melisa Maisel Vanis, Director of Professional Development and Assistant Director of Meetings, at [email protected] or Ashley Hatfield, Director of Communications, at [email protected].


7:30 - 8:30 a.m. 
Professional Liability Committee Business Meeting

7:30 - 8:30 a.m.
Diversity and Inclusion/Employment Law
Artificial Intelligence and Data Analytics Interconnect With Diversity and Inclusion

Artificial intelligence and data analytics are decreasing legal spending, increasing diversity and inclusion, and helping to level the playing field for all outside counsel firms while saving legal departments millions of dollars. Companies are tracking diversity statistics in addition to performance criteria so that they can easily determine the amount, nature, and quality of work assigned to individual outside counsel and whether that work was performed by outside firms that are diverse and inclusive. Through this discussion you will learn what clients are looking for in outside counsel firms, and how and why they are holding outside counsel accountable to diversity and inclusion goals, and how operations is making this change.

Speakers: Chasity Boyce, Heitman LLC, Chicago, IL USA; Robert M. Craig, III, Berkeley Research Group, LLC, Houston, TX USA; Ignatius Grande, Berkeley Research Group, LLC, New York, NY USA; Alicia Wilson, Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, MD USA


7:30 - 8:30 a.m. 
Drug, Device and Biotechnology/Product Liability
"Open the Pod Bay Doors HAL": Product Liability Implications of Product Innovations

How will existing product liability laws apply to innovative products of the twenty-first century? Today we live with products designed and manufactured with 3D printing, services incorporating artificial intelligence, devices using the Internet of Things, and drugs incorporating genetics/genomics and personalized medicine. This panel will discuss how these and other advances in technology give rise to new and complicated legal theories of liability and defenses.

Speakers: David L. Ferrera, Nutter McClennen & Fish LLP, Boston, MA USA; Sylvie Gallage-Alwis, Signature Litigation AARPI, Paris, France; Stephen G.A. Myers, Irwin Fritchie Urquhart & Moore LLC, New Orleans, LA USA; Richard J. Underwood, Ph.D., Exponent, Philadelphia, PA USA


7:30 - 8:30 a.m.
Insurance and Reinsurance/Insurance Executives/International  
What Next in the International Market

A leading insurance executive and outside counsel will share their views on the most pressing issues facing the international insurance market.

Speakers: Frank A. Lattal, New Hope, PA USA; William J. Perry, Bill Perry Law, Cookham, Berkshire, England


7:30 - 8:30 a.m. 
Trial Techniques and Tactics/White Collar Defense and Investigation     
Civil Representation of a Party Arising from Criminal Allegations

Unique challenges arise when counsel represents a civil litigant that involves allegations of criminal activity. This presentation will address the challenges associated with representing the civil litigant while protecting your client from potential criminal liability. This includes the ramifications of asserting (or not) one’s Fifth Amendment rights, motions to stay the civil case, potential coverage issues that may arise, coordination with the criminal defense counsel, and issue and/or claim preclusion of a criminal verdict or plea.

Speakers: Paul V. Kelly, Jackson Lewis P.C., Boston, MA USA; Donna Lamontagne, Lamontagne, Spaulding & Hayes, LLP, Cranston, RI USA; Michael W. Magner, Jones Walker LLP, New Orleans, LA USA


8:45 - 10:15 a.m.
Opening Session

10:15 - 11:30 a.m.
Open Forum – IADC Talks: Humanity United

The IADC is known for attracting the best of the best. Looking beyond the professional accomplishments, superior advocacy and accolades, the IADC membership is a diverse collection of brilliant life experiences. Five courageous IADC members have agreed to share personal stories of struggle, sadness, joy, and success to remind us all that our journeys and shared life experiences bind us. These unforgettable personal stories will be shared in intimate 14-minute intervals. We strive to remove the artificial barriers, erected to insulate ourselves from the outside world, and remind ourselves that we have more in common than not. It is our goal to challenge each attendee to step out of their comfort zone and get to know their fellow members in a meaningful way. After all, we are “One World. One Mission. One IADC.”

Moderator: Aldos Vance, Altec, Inc., Birmingham, AL USA
Speakers: Christopher S. Berdy, Butler Snow LLP, Birmingham, AL USA; Alba Arriaga Romano, Riley, Hewitt, Witte & Romano, P.C., Pittsburgh, PA USA; Spencer H. Silverglate, Clarke Silverglate, P.A., Miami, FL USA; Jodok Wicki, CMS Von Erlach Poncet Ltd., Zurich, Switzerland; Michael J. Wiggins, McDonald Toole Wiggins, P.A., Orlando, FL USA


7:30 - 8:30 a.m.
Alternative Dispute Resolution/Environmental and Energy Law/Product Liability/Toxic and Hazardous Substances Litigation
Best Practices and Recent Developments in Value Assurance Plans

This program will address current thinking and best practices in the use of value assurance plans to resolve diminution of property value claims arising from a pollution event or an ongoing environmental remediation in a mass tort setting.

Speakers: Jerry Dent, Alvarez & Marsal, Birmingham, AL USA; James M. Proctor, II, McWane, Inc., Birmingham, AL USA; William A. Ruskin, William Ruskin Law, Rye Brook, NY USA


7:30 - 8:30 a.m.
Class Actions and Multi-Party Litigation/Employment Law  
Class Action Waivers: The Continuing Wave

The Supreme Court decisions in Concepcion and Epic Systems Corp. have affirmed the enforceability of arbitration agreements containing class action waivers in the employment and consumer contexts. Litigation continues, before both the Supreme Court and in the Circuits, with respect to scope and applicability of those rulings and the enforceability of waivers, both inside and outside the arbitration context. This panel will consider the current cases before the Supreme Court and in the Circuits that are continuing to extend and limit those rulings. The in-house perspective will aid in advising clients about the appropriate use of waivers as a defense technique.  The treatment of class action waivers in other jurisdictions will also be discussed.

Moderator: M. Patrick McDowell, Brunini, Grantham, Grower & Hewes, PLLC, Jackson, MS USA
Speakers: Neal Berinhout, AT&T Services, Inc., Dallas, TX USA; Elizabeth P. Papez, Gibson, Dunn & Crutcher LLP, Washington, DC USA; Timothy Pinos, Cassels Brock & Blackwell LLP, Toronto, ON Canada


7:30 - 8:30 a.m.
Cyber Security, Data Privacy and Technology    
What Do You Mean I Have to Encrypt My Data? Cyber Responsibilities of Lawyers and Law Firms
*This program is eligible for ethics credit.

“As custodians of highly sensitive information, law firms are inviting targets for hackers.” - ABA

Formal Opinion 483. Data breaches pose major ethical and liability issues for lawyers and law firms. Not all lawyers practice in cyber-related legal matters, but every lawyer needs to understand how cyber affects their practice. This ethics presentation will explore risks attorneys and law firms face and, more importantly, the legal industry’s best practices from our clients’ perspective, the opinions of bar organizations regarding lawyer responsibility for cyber risk, and the current state of the Rules of Professional Responsibility.

Moderator: J. David Duffy, Thompson Coburn LLP, Chicago, IL USA
Speakers: David G. Ries, Clark Hill PLC, Pittsburgh, PA USA; Mary Robinson, Robinson, Stewart, Montgomery & Doppke LLC, Chicago, IL USA


7:30 - 8:30 a.m.
Diversity and Inclusion/Professional Liability   
The Divide Over Diversity
*This program is eligible for Elimination of Bias credit or ethics credit.

This program will present issues rather than provide conclusions. We want to generate discussion about how to celebrate diversity without increasing division. Diversity, in relation to ethics and legal malpractice, will also be discussed.

Moderator: Timothy J. Gephart, Minnesota Lawyers Mutual, Minneapolis, MN USA
Speakers: Daniel K. Cray, Cray Huber Horstman Heil & VanAusdal LLC, Chicago, IL USA; Alice Sherren, Minnesota Lawyers Mutual, Minneapolis, MN USA; Daniel M. Zureich, Lawyers Mutual Liability Insurance, Cary, NC USA


8:45 - 10:15 a.m.
Deciphering and Managing the Micromessages in Your Practice
Sponsored by Diversity and Inclusion Committee, In-House and Law Firm Management Committee, and Trial Techniques and Tactics Committee
*This program is eligible for Elimination of Bias credit.

We send a wide range of messages to our colleagues, clients, witnesses, juries, and judges. This interactive program identifies strategies and techniques for deciphering and managing micromessages that are rarely identified, but often felt and which can either build rapport or inhibit relationships. You will be provided with a series of practical analytical tools and instructions on how to actively manage these hidden messages to more effectively impact voir dire; client relations; witness preparation and evaluation; and effective leadership. Participants will experience first-hand how the subtle micromessages we send and receive have an indisputable impact on their own performance and how those messages influence the performance and receptivity of jurors, judges, clients, witnesses, and colleagues. As a central thread in the fabric of great lawyering and leadership - at all levels - is the ability to communicate while recognizing individual interests across all diversity, cultural, and geographic dimensions.

Speaker: Stephen Young, Insight Education Systems, Montclair, NJ USA


8:45 - 10:15 a.m.
Globalization and the Internal Challenges of Multinational Litigation   
Sponsored by Drug, Device and Biotechnology Committee, International Committee, and Product Liability Committee

As companies become multinational and broader-based, litigation challenges grow in complexity and breadth. This diverse panel will discuss the challenges of coordinating United States and foreign mass tort and class action litigations; handling eDiscovery issues when data is stored in multiple countries with different privacy, GDPR, and preservation demands; addressing proportionality considerations; handling privilege protections; and partnering with business units to foster cooperation, trust, and responsiveness. The panel also will address cultural challenges relating to United States mass tort and multidistrict litigations, and how to respond to questions from business partners about how and why certain litigation needs must be met.

Moderator: Michael Zogby, Drinker Biddle & Reath LLP, Florham Park, NJ USA
Speakers: Nicole B. Boehler, Squire Patton Boggs LLP, Böblingen, Germany; Jaimmé A. Collins, Adams and Reese LLP, New Orleans, LA USA; Deirdre R. Kole, Johnson & Johnson, New Brunswick, NJ USA


10:30 a.m. - 12:00 p.m.
IADC Talks: Go Pro Bono!

Sponsored by Social Justice Pro Bono Committee

In continuing the tradition of “IADC Talks” programs, a distinguished group of speakers will each share their experiences with pro bono issues, including voting rights, election protection, and pro bono partnerships. You will hear how pro bono services help the lives of others and how you can too.

Moderator: Robert F. Redmond, Jr., McGuireWoods LLP, Richmond, VA USA
Speakers: Michael W. Magner, Jones Walker LLP, New Orleans, LA USA; Dorian L. Spence, Lawyers’ Committee for Civil Rights Under Law, Washington, DC USA; James T. Tucker, Wilson Elser Moskowitz Edelman & Dicker LLP, Las Vegas, NV USA; Angela H. Zimmern, McGuireWoods LLP, Charlotte, NC USA



7:30 - 8:30 a.m.
Drug, Device and Biotechnology/Medical Defense and Health Law/Transportation  
The Impact of Drone Technology on Healthcare

Drone technology has grown from a kitschy hobby to a multi-billion dollar industry in less than a decade. This trajectory of growth is nearly unparalleled in other industries. As drone technology has become more prevalent in everyday life, its impacts are being felt in nearly every major industry – including the healthcare industry. Healthcare providers are currently experimenting with drone technology to quickly transport blood products, medical supplies, and laboratory specimens to remote or densely populated areas. Companies are also conceptualizing and testing drones that provide tele-medicine services, supply cardiac defibrillators, and transport critical care patients. The application for drone technology is seemingly limitless, but the potential legal pitfalls are relatively uncharted. This presentation will provide an overview of the state of drone technology, the current and proposed drone uses in the healthcare industry, and the regulatory and legal issues in using drone technology in the healthcare industry.

Speakers: Julie M. Bargnesi, Bargnesi Britt PLLC, Buffalo, NY USA; Peter Bordonaro, Calspan Holdings, Buffalo, NY USA; Darshan Divakaran, North Carolina Department of Transportation, Raleigh, NC USA; Adam M. Lynch, Bargnesi Britt PLLC, Buffalo, NY USA; Kevin Teen, Kittyhawk, Raleigh, NC USA


Directly following this CLE program there will be a short Medical Defense and Health Law Committee Business Meeting. Please stay if you are able.

7:30 - 8:30 a.m.
In-House and Law Firm Management/Product Liability/Professional Liability
Deep Work: The Importance of Managing Your Attention in a World Full of Distractions

Using an interactive panel format, this program will address the importance of managing attention despite the numerous distractions we encounter every day. The program will focus on three main areas: 1) the problems that arise from our “always on” culture and its constant distractions, including the rise in “mistake based” malpractice claims for attorneys and their professional clients (medical practitioners, financial services experts); 2) science behind attention management; and 3) best practices for maximizing attention management.

Moderator: Emily J. Harris, Corr Cronin LLP, Seattle, WA USA
Speakers: R. Matthew Cairns, Textron Inc., Providence, RI USA; Janelle L. Davis, Thompson & Knight LLP, Dallas, TX USA


7:30 - 8:30 a.m. 
Insurance and Reinsurance/Trial Techniques and Tactics 
Strategies for Excluding and Limiting Plaintiff's Bad Faith Experts

Plaintiff's counsel often attempt to use bad faith experts to act as another advocate for the plaintiff insured from the witness stand. Experienced bad faith defense lawyers from opposite ends of the country will discuss the best strategies for excluding and limiting plaintiff's bad faith experts. Attendees will benefit from these strategies and from the interactive discussion of issues concerning bad faith experts. The presenters will prepare a paper outlining the legal authority that governs the use of bad faith experts under the Federal Rules of Civil Procedure and under certain state law authorities, as well as practical strategies for addressing plaintiff's attempts to utilize bad faith experts to support their claims.

Speakers: Asim K. Desai, Gordon & Rees, LLP, Los Angeles, CA USA; Henry T. Morrissette, Hand Arendall, L.L.C., Mobile, AL USA


7:30 - 8:30 a.m.
International Arbitration
A Look Behind Closed Doors: What Can Counsel and Arbitrators Learn from the Experiences of Members of the International Court of Arbitration of ICC and from Arbitral Institutions?

What can our members who act as counsel and arbitrators learn from the experience of members of the court of Arbitration of the ICC and from arbitral institutions? Some institutions review draft arbitral awards before they are rendered. Some of our members are members of the International Court of Arbitration of ICC, and review, among others, draft awards before they are finalized. They also fulfill all other functions of the court. What can we learn from their experiences to improve our skills? Additionally, we will hear from a Deputy Secretary General of ICC. What we may learn from a look behind closed doors may improve the chances of our clients winning.

Moderator: Anton G. Maurer, Anton Maurer International Legal Services GmbH, Stuttgart, Germany
Speakers: Marek Krasula, International Court of Arbitration, New York, NY USA; Hiroyuki Tezuka, Nishimura & Asahi, Tokyo, Japan


8:00 - 8:30 a.m.
Intellectual Property Committee Business Meeting

8:45 - 10:15 a.m.
The Millennial Juror
Sponsored by Drug, Device and Biotechnology Committee, Medical Defense and Health Law Committee, and Trial Techniques and Tactics Committee

The generational difference in jurors has never been more glaring. From the older generation who is less tech savvy to the millennial and post-millennial generation who "snaps" every aspect of their life to their friends, it is difficult to appeal to all at trial. This panel will address the transition of juries over the years and will discuss how to appeal to juries with wide age gaps. This will cover Gen X, Gen Y, and post-millennial views at trial and how they may impact your case. The program will examine in detail what evidence and presentations work for people such as demonstrative, technology, "flashy" presentations, and old-school PowerPoints.

Speakers: David Aveni, Wilson, Elser, Moskowitz, Edelman & Dicker, LLP, San Diego, CA USA; Ted Kendrick, Artificial Ink Creative LLC, Asheville, NC USA; Thomas A. Kendrick, Norman, Wood, Kendrick & Turner, Birmingham, AL USA; Travis B. Swearingen, Butler Snow LLP, Nashville, TN USA


8:45 - 10:15 a.m.
Injunctions in Immigration Cases Expanding Beyond the Reach of Federal District Court Jurisdiction – Cross Border and International Implications  
Sponsored by Appellate Practice Committee

Recently, federal district courts have issued injunctions on immigration matters that the press and even government agencies have treated as perhaps binding on other federal and state courts. Does one district court have the power to enjoin other district courts? Are federal district courts overreaching by issuing broad injunctions? The issue of the reach of a federal court injunction also comes up in non-immigration cases. What are some arguments a company can make in opposing broad injunctions by federal district courts? Given the perceived extra-territorial reach of injunctions, what are the cross border and international ramifications for corporations doing business in the United States? What are the consequences of the U.S. rulings on foreign countries doing business in the United States? Are broad injunctions one of those things that keep attorneys and their clients up at night? This program will offer strategies, tips, and guidance for practitioners, whether in private practice or in-house, in navigating the labyrinth that is the current state of the law.

Moderator: Sonia Escobio O’Donnell, Sonia Escobio O'Donnell PA, Miami, FL USA
Speakers: William S.W. Chang, U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Washington, DC USA; Cecilia Flores Rueda, Flores Rueda Abogados, Mexico City, Mexico; Lawrence D. Rosenberg, Jones Day, Washington, DC USA


10:30 a.m. - 12:00 p.m.
Innovative Technology Sparks Evolution for Courtroom Demonstratives
Sponsored by Construction Law and Litigation Committee, Medical Defense and Health Law Committee, and Trial Techniques and Tactics Committee

The use of demonstrative evidence is becoming ever present in the courtroom. This interactive session will demonstrate the latest technology (e.g. laser scans, drone footage, 3D printing, animation, and virtual reality) for use at trial. In addition, there will be a discussion of courtroom technology (equipment, software, and viewing equipment) available at trial. This panel will offer insight into the use of technology in a complex construction case as an example that will be applicable to cases of all shapes and sizes and all areas of the law.

Speakers: Tamara L. Boeck, Stoel Rives LLP, Boise, ID USA; Christopher E. Espinosa, Exponent, Irvine, CA USA; Quentin F. Urquhart, Jr., Irwin Fritchie Urquhart & Moore LLC, New Orleans, LA USA


10:30 a.m. - 12:00 p.m.
Is Your IP in Jeopardy?
Sponsored by Intellectual Property Committee

Join us for "America's Favorite Quiz Show" with an IP twist as three seasoned in-house counsel test their knowledge of current intellectual property issues. Categories include "You Stole That," "Really Good Fakes," and "Shut it Down." Come join this engaging and interactive program with familiar examples from pop culture.

Moderator: Jennifer Haltom Doan, Haltom & Doan, Texarkana, TX USA
Speakers: Elaine Drager, Nokia, New York, NY USA; Laura Miller, Kilpatrick Townsend & Stockton LLP, Winston-Salem, NC USA; Jennifer Salinas, Lenovo, Raleigh, NC USA


4:00 - 5:00 p.m.
International Committee Business Meeting


7:30 - 8:30 a.m.
Business Litigation/International
Food Labeling and Liability: A Recipe for Failure?

Food labels, intended to educate the consumer, have instead become magnets for plaintiffs lawyers. Do trace (and harmless) amounts of glyphosate deceive purchasers of breakfast cereals? What is and what isn’t “natural” or “GMO-free?” Does it matter where your beer is brewed? Does anyone really think that Froot Loops contain real fruit? Welcome to “food court,” where reality is suspended and where every package is a source of litigation risk.

Moderator: Elizabeth J. Bondurant, Womble Bond Dickinson LLP, Atlanta, GA USA
Speakers: Jaimesen Heins, Keurig Dr Pepper Inc., Waterbury, VT USA; Creighton Magid, Dorsey & Whitney, LLP, Washington, DC USA; Peter J. Pliszka, Fasken Martineau DuMoulin LLP, Toronto, ON Canada


7:30 - 8:30 a.m.
Construction Law and Litigation/Trial Techniques and Tactics
Liability for Injuries to a Subcontractor’s Employee

This program will address representing the general contractor when a subcontractor is injured by equipment or work under the subcontractor’s control. Plaintiff’s counsel often cite the rule that general contractors have “overall site safety responsibility.” The standard, however, is a reasonable standard in that general contractors are not absolute guarantors. This course will address, through a mock case, an accident to an employee of a subcontractor, where the subcontractor is contractually obligated to control its own “means and methods,” including providing its own equipment, and the subcontractor employee is injured by defective equipment.

Speakers: Thomas M. Buckley, Goldberg Segalla LLP, Raleigh, NC USA; J. Nathan Cole, Kenney & Sams, P.C., Boston, MA USA


7:30 - 8:30 a.m.
Cyber Security, Data Privacy and Technology/Product Liability
Ethical Considerations for Autonomous Vehicles

Laws governing autonomous vehicles raise a plethora of ethical considerations for society. This panel will explore those issues and how they converge with the rules of professional responsibility.

Speakers: Mark Behrens, Shook, Hardy & Bacon, LLP, Washington, DC USA; Sharon L. Caffrey, Duane Morris LLP, Philadelphia, PA USA; Andrew B. Cooke, Flaherty, Sensabaugh & Bonasso PLLC, Charleston, WV USA; Emily Frascaroli, Ford Motor Company, Dearborn, MI USA


7:30 - 8:30 a.m.
Employment Law
Assessing Independent Contractors Globally

The issue of how companies can retain “temporary workers” has become a common legal challenge in employment law around the world. In the United States, the landscape in this area is inconsistent across agencies, locations, and courts. Internationally, there have been mixed decisions in various countries (e.g., Pimlico Plumbers Ltd and another v Gary Smith [2018] UKSC 29). These panelists will discuss trends in addressing this issue from a legal perspective through speaker insights, and offer an approach which is useful for companies to assess their relationships with workers worldwide.

Speakers: Elizabeth Arnold, Berkeley Research Group, LLC, San Francisco, CA USA; Nancy Cremins, Globalization Partners, Boston, MA USA; Bonnie Puckett, Ogletree, Deakins, Nash, Smoak & Stewart, P.C., Atlanta, GA USA


8:45 - 10:15 a.m.
#MeToo: The Impact on You and Your Clients  
Sponsored by Alternative Dispute Resolution Committee, Diversity and Inclusion Committee, Employment Law Committee, and Trial Techniques and Tactics Committee

Panel members will discuss how the #MeToo movement and media attention to the reports of psychological and physical harassment in both the private and public sectors impacts your practice, your clients, and your defense strategy for them. Various fact patterns will be presented to highlight how the #MeToo movement has affected the decision making of public and private institutions and businesses from the initial notice of the matter, reporting to insurers, developing the defense strategy, and when to resolve or defend. This presentation is applicable to all IADC members, attorneys, adjusters, and in-house counsel.

Moderator: Kay Barnes Baxter, Foley & Mansfield, New Orleans, LA USA
Speakers: Donna L. Burden, Burden, Hafner & Hansen, LLC, Buffalo, NY USA; Susan J. Cole, Bice Cole Law Firm, Coral Gables, FL USA; Harmon C. Hayden, Harmon Hayden Law, Kamloops, BC Canada


8:45 - 10:15 a.m.
The Attorney General is Calling: Perspectives on Notable AG Lawsuits and the Private Firms With Whom They Partner
Sponsored by Drug, Device and Biotechnology Committee, Insurance and Reinsurance Committee, Product Liability Committee, Toxic and Hazardous Substances Litigation Committee, and White Collar Defense and Investigation Committee

This panel will address recent attorney general suits against manufacturers and a trend involving the hiring of plaintiffs' law firms to pursue these cases on behalf of states. Topics to be discussed will include:

• Preparing for increased criminal and civil enforcement actions in such areas as products liability, consumer fraud, off-label, anti-kickback, and false claims;
• How enforcers identify companies for investigation;
• Best practices for responding to a government investigation;
• Exploring the practical implications of AG's contingency-fee arrangements with plaintiffs' counsel; and
• Analyzing the steady trend of staggering penalties and fines in these cases.

Moderator: James A. King, Porter Wright Morris & Arthur LLP, Columbus, OH USA
Speakers: The Honorable Mark L. Pryor, Venable LLP, Washington, DC USA; The Honorable Karl A. Racine, Attorney General for the District of Columbia, Washington, DC USA; Richard E. Wallace, Jr., Crowell Moring, Washington, DC USA


10:30 a.m. - 12:00 p.m.
Smart Products Require Smarter Manufacturers
Sponsored by Medical Defense and Health Law Committee and Product Liability Committee

Eavesdrop while the General Counsel of an auto manufacturing company and legal experts discuss the design of new smart features and how it is influenced by data collection to improve the customer experience; the ongoing relationship with the customer; data security and privacy (GDPR and other statutes); and litigation risks and strategies. Considerations of privacy, data security, big data, and regulatory requirements must be central to how companies design products in today's global economy.

Speakers: Louis Charette, Lavery, de Billy L.L.P., Montreal, QC Canada; Chris S. Egner, Continental Corporation, Fort Mill, SC USA; Alexandra Simotta, SIX Payment Services (Europe) S.A., Vienna, Austria; Robert G. Smith, Jr., Lorance & Thompson, P.C., Houston, TX USA



9:00 - 10:30 a.m.
Closing Session
